Saturday, 7 June 2008

contact details

get your clock out and manage your time.

To get access to any of the files shown on this blog send an email entitled with the file name you wish to receive (for example - timetable) and we will send one as soon as possible. the contact address is shown in the side bar to the right.


To get your own countdown to all the timetabled briefs you can download your very own widget for your mac. We will send the widgets out as you receive the briefs so you can organise your time and have a constant reminder in real time of how much time you have left for a brief.

time management booklet

Before you start to get organised it would be a good idea to read through this informative booklet to give you tips and helpful hints. To read each page just click on them to enlarge.

Thursday, 5 June 2008


For ease of checking what has to be in when and to plan those weekends, this calendar will prove useful.

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

want your own t-shirt?!

If you want your very own t-shirt with our get your clock out design on then send an email with the subject entitled T-shirt to our email address and we will send you an email with the file attached so you can print your own on to transfer paper, or if requested, we can send you the same design in a colour of your choice of and size. These designs are free of charge so why not get yours free today!


For access to a timetable of your own, send an email with the subject entitled timetable to our email address and we will send you the file as soon as possible so you can download it, put it to good use and get your clock out!